Faber Castell X Michael’s Free Lettering Online Course

Hello My Loves,

Just in case you missed the Free Online Lettering Workshop I did with Faber Castell & Michael’s. I want to share it here with all of you. It was such a humbling experience to teach a ZOOM class in front of hundreds of students. What’s even better is that there are lots of you who are curious to learn Hand Lettering. And that makes my heart really happy. I truly believe we all have an artist within us. It just depends on how much effort and dedication we want to put in. Enjoy the class and really hope that these basic tips and tricks will get you started in your Lettering Journey.

Here is the Video to the class!

And if you really want to dive in even more. i hope you consider taking my Hand Lettering 101 Class here. You can take the class and learn at your own phase. You can watch the videos over and over again. And receive an awesome worksheet with lots of sample projects and practice sheets.


Supplies Used In This Workshop: