Free Back To School Printable Sticker


Hello My Friends,

I know that this year of 2020 is full of uncertainties and confusion. My kids are doing completely VIRTUAL Learning this school year. There will be a lot of learning curve for all of us here at home. I know that I would like to do all the best I can to support them and guide them through these difficult phase. I still want to them enjoy learning and not be discouraged because things are different and could be hard. As parents I know we only wish the best for our kiddos. It can be overwhelming at times the responsibilities we want to shoulder. But I can only wish that you give yourself GRACE through these moments. You are doing the best you can, and take it easy on yourselves.

I created this sticker set and I really wanted to share them with all of you that will find these useful as well. I hope that it will add joy in your daily planning and that it will be helpful too! Let me know if there are other words that you’d like to see in the future. Add them in the comments and I will try my hardest to accommodate as much as I can.

This is FREE for your personal use however I would like to ask a small favor. Kindly avoid sharing the file directly to others. Please point them to this BLOG Post so that it will direct some traffic our way. It will be helpful for us to reach more audience. Also make sure that you Join our Facebook Group or you’re following me all over Social Media so that you will be updated when I post more Free Printables.

Please Enjoy this! And Thank you again for being part of our Online Friends Community!

Here are some links to Amazon for my favorite supplies: